Doctors killed in plane crash vowed to publish evidence linking mRNA to turbo cancer

Bei Flugzeugabsturz getötete Ärzte versprachen, Beweise für den Zusammenhang zwischen mRNA und Turbokrebs zu veröffentlichen


Eight cancer doctors who dedicated their lives to saving others and uncovering the devastating turbo cancer epidemic have been found dead.

The bodies of six world-leading oncologists and two junior doctors were found Friday in the wreckage of a plane that fell from the sky in Brazil and exploded in a fireball, killing all 62 people on board.

The doctors were on their way to an international conference in Sao Paolo to present their findings that mRNA and the COVID-19 vaccines are responsible for the explosion in turbo cancer and autoimmune diseases that are now having devastating effects around the world.

The mainstream media is working overtime to sweep this story under the rug on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry, but the facts are damning and we will not allow them to cover up the truth.

Six leading oncologists and two junior doctors were on their way to a major cancer conference in Sao Paulo when VoePass Airline's ATR 72-500 twin-engine turboprop aircraft fell from the sky and crashed into a residential area.

The aircraft was at an altitude of 16,000 feet when it entered a "death spiral" and crashed to the ground in fifty seconds.

Eyewitnesses who captured the crash on video said the plane appeared to go into a spin before circling to the ground and bursting into flames around 1:30 p.m. local time.

A total of 15 doctors were scheduled to make the fateful flight, but miraculously seven of them had taken an earlier plane.

Click here for the video

Prosecutors are investigating the scene of the accident and warn that identifying all the bodies will take time.

The eight doctors who tragically died in the plane crash include radiologist Leonel Ferreira and pediatric cancer experts Sarah Stella and Silvia Osaki.

Eduardo Baptistella from the regional medical association said: "Unfortunately we received very sad news and were able to confirm the deaths of eight doctors. The doctors were on their way to an oncology congress. They were people who dedicated their lives to saving other people." .

For these oncologists, saving others meant warning the world about the devastating effects of mRNA vaccines and skyrocketing cancer rates worldwide, including rare, extremely aggressive cancers that behave in ways we've never seen before have.

According to a colleague, the doctors who revealed the truth wanted to show the world evidence that the public had been deceived about the nature of the mRNA COVID-19 injections.

Doctors on the crashed flight concluded that governments and regulators must urgently recall the mRNA vaccines before more damage is done.

The number of rare cancers is exploding worldwide and they are exhibiting aggressive and unpredictable behavior never seen before, and Brazilian doctors are not the only ones trying to uncover the truth.

Doctors and medical researchers are rising up against the pharmaceutical cartel and regulators determined to keep humanity in chains.

Leading Canadian oncologist Dr. William Makis has diagnosed 20,000 cancer patients in his long and distinguished medical career and says he and his colleagues have never seen anything like it.

According to Dr. Makis, some of his young and healthy patients have died "days or even hours" after diagnosis.

It's not just vaccinated doctors who are dropping like flies. Everyone is affected. College students, royalty, professional athletes, pop stars, actors and everyday people who got vaccinated are dying from heart attacks, strokes and extremely rare and aggressive turbo cancers.

Last week, Susan Wojcicki, the fully vaccinated and boosted former YouTube CEO who was responsible for banning what she called "vaccine conspiracy theories" on the platform, died after a two-year battle with an ultra-aggressive form of cancer .

Under Wojcicki's leadership, YouTube banned any content that questioned the safety of vaccines, while popular YouTubers with millions of followers were paid to promote the COVID mRNA injections to their followers.

The pharmaceutical companies desperately tried to brainwash the masses using deceptive marketing.

Taylor Swift's boyfriend, Travis Kelce, received $20 million from Pfizer to promote his deadly product.

To put that number in perspective, that's far more money than he makes as a football player for the Kansas City Chiefs.

Now the same YouTubers and influencers are dropping like flies.

A few days after Wojcicki's death last week, YouTube influencer Pretty Pastel Please, who was fully vaccinated and boosted and also promoted Covid vaccinations to her followers, died suddenly and unexpectedly after suffering from lymphocytic myocarditis, a rare infection of the heart , was sick.

Your case is all too common.

But despite the extraordinary number of young, healthy, vaccinated people dying from turbo cancer, despite the indisputable evidence of the harm of vaccines before our eyes, shaming the pharmaceutical industry is a very dangerous game.

Holistic physicians have died one after another over the years under extremely suspicious circumstances. When investigations begin, they are quickly shut down with the coroners declaring that there is nothing to see here.

As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains, the pharmaceutical industry has taken control of the mainstream media, government and regulators, and in its world there is no place for doctors to expose wrongdoing.

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Quelle : Doctors Killed in Plane Crash Vowed To Release Evidence Linking mRNA to Turbo Cancer

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